
Salut tout le monde. I have less than a month to wait until I do my sleep clinic trial. I’m getting even less sleep now if that’s possible. Averaging about 30 mins- 90 mins per 24 hours. It’s hard to tell the days of the week or time now. I get constant headaches, not able to concentrate, teeth clenching, my jaw hurts and still continually bump into things. I’m irritable in the mornings and wish it all would just end. I just used my last Ozempic shot this past Friday and currently at 145 lbs. However, from what I researched all that weight will return once my appetite returns. I was aiming for 127 lbs but, it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Lovely. I have no energy to exercise or meditate and every time I attempt to think, it feels like a weighted bolder.

Anyway, c’est la vie.

Sorry this is such a short entry, can’t think of anything else to report right now.


Published by I define Me

I found out I was misdiagnosed by a chance meeting. Ever since then, my life has never been the same. I want to help others like myself, who might suspect they could be Autistic to advocate for themselves, and find the appropriate ADULT resources to live the best life possible. As an adult, I'm tired of being pushed to the sidelines. We exist. We matter. I define Me.

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